Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Seven Summer Shades Giveaway Winner, + More to Come!

   Good afternoon, fellow princesses!  How have you been?  I've been busy.  Where did June go?  My last giveaway ended on June 30th, and today I'm announcing the winner.  Say congratulations to... Bloglovin' follower Nicole!  Yay!  I hope she enjoys her colorful new polishes.  =)

   I do have to apologize, though.  I got my wires crossed about the close of Google Reader also meaning the end of GFC (Google Friend Connect).  I don't feel too stupid, though, because a lot of bloggers got this impression.  And it did close, partly.  Now it only works with Blogger blogs.  Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Google eventually forces everyone to switch to Google+ and gets rid of GFC entirely, or perhaps replaces GFC with something else.  Who knows.  So, I still suggest giving my post about other methods to follow my blog a look.  And I'd love to know if you're using something I haven't covered!

   Now, more exciting stuff!  Two years ago right around this time I began blogging.  A lot has changed within this time and really it has all been for the better.  To celebrate these fun two years I have some awesome giveaways coming up this month.  Stay tuned for more!

   Hello!  My name is Rochelle, and as the creator of Princessly Polished, your feedback means the world!  Leave a comment or send me an email.  Thanks for reading... stay polished!

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