Special Announcement / Nail Art
That's right, I'm pregnant! And what better way to announce it on my blog than with a special manicure? Polish details first for those who came for the swatches, pregnancy details after for those who care.
I love-love-love this manicure! I wanted something that was a combination of girly, classy, feminine and fresh, and that is exactly what I got! I started out with 1 coat of Zoya Scarlet, a sheer color that matches my nailbeds. Then I carefully dabbed Lush Lacquer Glitter Girl on so that the free edge of my nail was left bare. The lace design came from a sheet of nail stickers that I cut to size.
The nail stickers are not quite as wide as my nails, and the reason for this is that if the stickers go right to the edge they won't be properly sealed in by top coat! The shortage on my thumb was a bit too noticeable so I layered on a butterfly nail sticker for an accent. In order to seal everything smoothly I used 2 coats of my Poshe fast-drying top coat.
Glitter Girl is a really great polish and worked perfectly in this style. I only used one coat, and I didn't get every type of glitter that I saw in the bottle (no purple squares), but that is okay with me. I really like the mix of matte black, white, and pink hexes and tiny sparkling purples and pink. The free edges of my nails get to peek out in their natural state, so tip wear on this manicure should be super easy to hide...
Back to my special announcement: I'm pregnant! I've been holding out on posting anything Online even though my husband and I knew right away. Fuzzy ultrasound evidence reveals that we are having one little girl. (Did you already guess that from the Glitter Girl polish used in my manicure?) My due date is Sept 21st, so we'll be having a very-end-of-summer baby or, if she stays in for a little extra cooking time, an early autumn baby.
So far the pregnancy has been going really well and my biggest complaint is fatigue and general achiness. In fact, that is the reason for my blog going unattended early this year. The first trimester hit me like a ton of bricks and all I did was work, sleep, eat, sleep and sleep. That is no exaggeration - just ask my husband! I probably wouldn't have made it through if he hadn't been there to take such good care of me.
I don't plan to turn Princessly Polished into a "mommy blog". I guess I technically am a mommy blogger no matter what I write about now, but the main focus here will continue to be nails, beauty and personal style. Expect a few maternity-themed posts in the future, but someone please slap me if I start posting about dream nursery setups, okay? ;) As always thanks for reading, enjoy your day!

Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!! <3
ReplyAlso, I love the black lace over the pink!
Thank-you! ♥
ReplyWhat a nice combination :) It's lovely :D