Monday, January 14, 2013

Pure Ice Matte-allic Giveaway Winner!

   Congratulation to Erica from Bound2Beauty for winning the Pure Ice Matte-allic Giveaway.  Her polishes are on the way!

   I have another giveaway going right now, and there are 9 days left to enter.  If you haven't entered yet you should!  Or maybe you can snag a few extra entries with the daily options.  The winner will receive a Zoya Dream Box!

   I've also updated both my WishList and For Sale pages, please check those out!  I'm still offering free shipping or 20% off on my sales, and at the same time also taking offers.  Thanks!

   Hello!  My name is Rochelle, and as the creator of Princessly Polished, your feedback means the world!  Leave a comment or send me an email.  Thanks for reading... stay polished!

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  1. Thank you so very much! I'm so excited <3

  2. You are very welcome! I hope you have fun using them!


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